Monday, January 30, 2012

Back for More

I'm heading back to Alaska in about a week and a half to participate in the launch of another sounding rocket: MICA (Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Alfven Resonator). This time I will be staying at the rocket range the entire time, instead of fleeing to some far-flung place during the actual launch. It seems this will not help me escape the nightmarish cold though, since Alaska is having its coldest January in over a decade. Fun for me.

So check back often, starting next week, and I will once again regale you with tales from the frozen north. Hopefully this will involve some games of Settlers, moose sightings, and snow tubing at the rocket range.

We launched!

 It happened all of a sudden and it was amazing. I didn't get to post my other half-written blog posts, but I'll do that later on.  ...