Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Pictures from Days 2-5

I'm having a blast with the army guys, driving around Kaktovik, (doing work too of course) and going outside in -35 F degree weather! More pictures later, for now I wanted to finish the photo tour of the rocket range back at Fairbanks... And I also figured out how to remove the annoying red time stamp in the bottom corner of every photograph, so this is the last you'll see of that.

Loading crates into the payload assembly building at Poker Flat

Brent and his really cool cooler. Basically just an ingenious idea to cool the CCD chip on the rocket imager without spending much cash to do it.

View from halfway up the hill at the range. Alaska is mighty beautiful.

A big radar dish, I think it's the telemetry dish. Pretty skies in the background.

More radar dishes, for various purposes, not really sure. But they make for a cool looking skyline.


  1. It totally looks like Hoth, with that giant dish hanging out there and the rugged windswept snow.

  2. Ha! That's precisely what I was going to say, Benjamin.


We launched!

 It happened all of a sudden and it was amazing. I didn't get to post my other half-written blog posts, but I'll do that later on.  ...