Monday, January 18, 2010

A Monday Kind of Day

Just in case some of what I'm writing seems confusing to you, I've decided to point everyone towards the wonderfully written Dictionary of Antarctic Slang. Here you can look up any strange terms I may use, such as when I mention getting 'freshies' for dinner or sitting next to some DV's in the Delta on the way to Pegasus. It's a typical military type environment - slang for everything.

Today we went out to the ARRO site and took the solar panels off the building. They got packed in a special crate that the carp shop made just for us. Next step: machines digging out the building tomorrow!

I thought I would share some photos of me taken by a really cool lady named Reina that I met on the way down here. She has since gone off to the Pole for her research, but she emailed these to me recently. I know! Internet at the South Pole! How cool.

On the C-17 cargo plane

Hut Point - cross commemorating Scott's exploration party that died in search of the Pole

{actual posting date: Monday, January 18th}


  1. Which time zone do you go by when you're at McMurdo?

  2. Christchurch, NZ. I add six hours and subtract a whole day.

  3. Wow thats a crazy time shift .. that means its like 1:30 Am ... TOday?!?!?

  4. Uh maybe? But yeah, it's crazy. I'm totally in the future.


We launched!

 It happened all of a sudden and it was amazing. I didn't get to post my other half-written blog posts, but I'll do that later on.  ...